З'ясуємо та допоможемо оптимізувати пошукову рекламу Google.
Дивитися результати конкретної кампанії Google Ads на пошуку або в мережах потрібно вже через місяць після запуску. Знайти помилки і зробити висновки про ефективність можна і без допомоги експертів, навіть якщо ви робите аудит рекламної кампанії вперше
Гагарінське плато, 5/2
Today we are faced with a new reality. An enemy has come into our peaceful and calm life and wants to destroy it. Our children wake up to the sound of sirens. They sleep in bomb shelters and in the subway. Any loud sound causes panic and fear. We know it's hard to believe now, but it's true. A large European state is suffering at the hands of an aggressor. We at Advanced Team have gone to great lengths to protect our employees and partners. We continue to work, but now we are happy with the global goal. We will spend 20% of the company's turnover on the needs of our army. Each new project brings us closer to victory, to peace. Your projects are safe, we are all in safe places and ready to do our job in the best possible way.
We are waiting for your projects and together we will win!
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